


BTH Embraces Anti-bullying Week

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November 30, 2022

At Bryn Tirion Hall School we know how important it is for young people to feel safe, both at school, at home and in the wider community.

As part of Anti-bullying Week 2022, pupils were immersed in a week-long programme of activities to help promote the importance of being kind to each other.

We kicked the week off with Odd Socks Day. The day was an opportunity to encourage everyone to express themselves and celebrate what makes us all unique. Pupils and staff raided their sock drawers and came to school to show off their feet. We spent some time thinking about compliments and kind words we could say about each other. Even our furry friends managed to get their socks on too!

Our Pupil Leaders met to share their views and ideas to create an engaging learning plan for the week. Pupils delegated themselves different roles when delivering the session independently.

They were able to gather their own resources and assess the learning of fellow pupils using our targeting questioning skills.

The aim was for pupils to become more aware of creating a safe and happy space in our school, to promote acts of kindness and to encourage them to share any concerns about bullying.

As part of engagement between upper and lower school, pupils from year 11 became teachers for a session.

Their time with a lower school class emphasised the importance of sharing acts of kindness and feeling safe in school. The 20-minute session with Dosbarth Glas was a great success with everyone enjoying the experience. Year 11 said that they are really looking forward to the next activity where they can work with young pupils.

Following our session, pupils created a display to reflect on their experiences, with some positive feedback. It was a chance to bring together some of the key messages of the week.

Nicola Whitfield, led the week and said, “Anti-bullying Week has really highlighted how kind and considerate pupils from across our school are to one another. They’ve embraced our activities and it’s given us an opportunity to talk openly about such an important subject.”